Photographer - Judy Reinford

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Dropping The Tin! How To Make Homemade Pumpkin Pie, From Fresh Pumpkin!

How to make homemade Pumpkin Pie, From fresh Pumpkin!

Most of us take pumpkin pie for granted. Your mother makes a mean one, we buy it at the store or we grab that can of pumpkin to whip up a creamy pie in an hour. A pumpkin pie made from fresh pumpkin tastes so much better than the canned stuff that was processed last year. If you want to take your baking game to the next level, this recipe will have your pie the talk of your holiday!

Equipment needed

  • A sharp, large serrated knife
  • an ice cream scoop
  • a large microwaveable bowl or large pot
  • Blender/Food Processer

Step 1- Select a Pumpkin

"Pie pumpkins" are smaller, sweeter, less grainy textured pumpkins than the usual jack-o-lantern types.  Grocery stores usually carry them in late September through December. In some parts of the country, they are also called sugar pumpkins or even "cheese pumpkins.
They're only about 6 to 8 inches in diameter (about 20 to 24 inches in circumference).  TIP: If you're in a pinch and can't find a pie pumpkin, here's a tip: butternut squash taste almost the same!  Commercial canned pumpkin is from a variety of butternut, not true pumpkins! If you insist on using a regular Jack O' Lantern type pumpkin, you may need to add about 25% more sugar and run the cooked pumpkin through a blender or food processor to help smooth it out.

Step 2- Prepare the Pumpkin

Wash the exterior of the pumpkin in cool or warm water, no soap.
Cut the pumpkin in half.  A serrated knife and a sawing motion works best - a smooth knife is more likely to slip and hurt you! 

Step 3- Scoop out the Seeds

Use a heavy ice cream scoop to get out the contents of the pumpkin, including the seeds.

Step 4- Cooking the Pumpkin

There are several ways to cook a pumpkin:
Method 1 - Bake in the oven
Cut and place the pumpkin down in a covered container. Cover the ovenproof container (with a lid), and pop it in an 350 F (165 C) oven for about 45-90 minutes. Test with a fork to ensure the pumpkin is soft. This method is similar to cooking spaghetti squash. 
Method 2- Microwave
Scoop and cut the pumpkin into several smaller pieces.
Put the pieces of pumpkin in a few inches of water in a microwave safe bowl and cover. Microwave on high for 20 minutes or until soft.

Step 5 - Scoop out the cooked pumpkin

Scoop out the inside of the pumpkin

Step 6-Puree the Pumpkin

Use a blender, food processer or hand mixer to blend the pumpkin to a nice, smooth consistency.

You have just prepared Pumpkin Puree, the same puree found in the can, only fresh and free of preservatives.