Photographer - Judy Reinford

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Professional Lighting On Location

Quinnie in Aquinnah, MV September 12th, 7 pm  2016. Nikon D810, Nikon 16-35 4.5 Flashpoint 600B with a 32inch Glow Parapop.

A few years ago I decided to delve into the use of strobe lighting, and really all different forms of lighting, on location. From that point on, my outdoor sessions were lit by a mix of available light, light balanced for the backgrounds, and strobe light illuminating my subject.


I decided that since I shoot my sessions with a lens and camera worth about 7K that there was more I could learn and do with my gear. I am always learning and evolving to be able to offer my clients and students more in the way of a final result. The shot above was shot at the same time of day, with the same amazing type of September sky, in the same week on the same rock as the shot below. 

Murphy in Aquinnah, MV September 14th, 7pm 2010. Nikon D300 kit lens 18-105mm 5.6

As you can see there is a clear difference in the quality of the image. This photo of Murphy is what is called an "available light shot". The sky with this kit lens has to blow out and have no detail in order to not have my subject be really dark and in shadow. At the time I shot this, I was really proud.

When we returned to Martha's Vineyard this past September, I reshot this same shot with Quinnie to document my growth as an artist. The angle of the shot is different the equipment is much more advanced and professional; however the real difference can be seen in the lighting. Other than that, it is still the same beach, same rock same hour of day, same sky.

 I did some sunset photos after I was done photographing Murphy. Below is the same rock in the background as a sunset photo about 45 minuets later. As you can see the beautiful sky that night which was lost in the photo of Murphy.

The beauty of evolving as an artist, is being able to take that evolution and offer my clients and students the benefit of the knowledge I've gained. My favorite part of all I do is sharing the magnificence I find... now I am able to use the proper lighting to do it all in the same photo!

Professional Photography by Judy Reinford