Imaging USA 2016
A recent trip to Atlanta for Imaging USA, the largest convention and expo organized by professional photographers for professional photographers, was a great way to start off my new year. I traveled with my dear friend Deedee and our two fur babies. Our time in Atlanta consisted of seminars, speakers, award ceremonies, product demonstrations and meeting photographers from around the world.
One of the highlights of the trip was working with the one person that inspires you more than anyone else is a dream come true. While in Atlanta I got to participate in a 2 day workshop with award winning photographer Julia Kelleher. it is still blue that I was there! In June I will be going to her studio in Bend, OR to study more intensely with her.
Photo credit Kristin Merck Photography, LLC
Blume Photography hosted the seminar in their GA studio.
Left to right Eileen Marie Pascual Blume, Judy Reinford, Julia Kelleher and Belinda DeBoard.
My friend Deedee Townsend traveled from Lancaster, CA to attend Imaging with me. She has just returned from many decade of owning a State Farm Insurance Agency. In her retirement she is going to do portraits of rescue animals to help them get homes. While at Imaging USA, Deedee joined PPA! the Professional Photographers of America and hosts of Imaging USA! Annabella photobombed this shot.
Deedee and I both took one of our little Pomeranians to Imaging USA. Louis and Annabella left to right.
Me and Deedee! Award night!
Award time! So my first year competing in IPC, the International Print Competition, I received a Bronze Medal! This means that every image was of a high enough standard to receive a merit. Merits are scored and are hard to come by, to get the bronze medal all 4 of my image in the Photographic category merited. I also entered one in the Artist category that also merited, but I only entered 1 so no double bronze. I would have had to enter 4. We get to walk on stage to be recognized! Yay!
My mentor Julia Kelleher received the Diamond award, this means that all 4 images merited and were accepted to the prestigious Loan Collection book. She also received her third degree. There are 3 degrees to earn,
Photographic Craftsman (Cr.Photog.)
Awarded for service as an orator, author or mentor. This degree shows that you have gone beyond the creation of images and dedicated your time to move the industry forward and encourage education.
Master of Photography (M.Photog.)
Awarded for superior photographic skills—demonstrated through the PPA International Photographic Competition, advanced education and service to the industry.
Master Artist (M.Artist) (formerly known as the Master of Electronic Imaging Degree)
Awarded for superior photographic skills—demonstrated through the Artist Exhibition category of the PPA International Photographic Competition (with images evaluated for computer-applied techniques and proficiency), advanced education and service to the industry.
She was really excited to get this final degree and have earned the Diamond Photographer of the year. I think Belinda DeBoard photographed this one.
I took this one! the medals on the sides of the lanyard are where you put your bronze, silver, gold, platinum and diamond pins.
This is Helen Yancy. She has won more metals, "bling" than almost anyone else in the country! i got to meet her!
Amazing that as photographers we can't take better pictures with our phones!
My three mentors all together, left to right, Michelle Chinn, Julia Kelleher and Michelle Parsley. These ladies are going to make me a rock star!
Closing night party was at the Atlanta Aquarium, they rent the place out since there are so many photographers at the party.
All the countries involved.
Louis photographed by Greg Beasley. He took this photo while I was walking around the convention center.
Flying home with Louis! I hate flying so he is registered as a ESA. emotional support animal.